Red Rooster's Gaming Coop

Saving Throes # 72 - Spotlight: 2024 Player's Handbook, 7 weeks later

Red Rooster

Welcome to the Saving Throes podcast! This is my Tabletop role-playing game podcast, part of the Red Rooster's Gaming Coop network where I talk gaming and gaming culture every week. Each episode will feature a topic or theme along with my take on current happenings in the world of tabletop role-playing games and semi regular updates on the games I am currently involved with, or new games or products I have come across.

It has now been close to 2 months since I got my hands on the new 2024 D&D Player's Handbook. I did my initial impressions in episode 67 of Saving Throes, but I thought it would be a good time now to revisit those impressions to see how they hold up now that I have had some time to marinate with the new book. I go over my initial impressions to see how they hold up now, and I close with my final thoughts today after a good amount of reviewing the book. It certainly is a mixed bag overall - there are some things I was fond of at first that have faded away, as well as things I disliked from the start that I have since softened on. Tune in to hear where I ultimately landed on with this book, or at least until I get some good play time or after the next 2 core books are released!

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