Red Rooster's Gaming Coop

Pining for Pixels # 62 - Evercade Expeditions: Technos Arcade Collection 1

Red Rooster

Welcome to the Pining For Pixels podcast! This is my video game variety show podcast, part of the Red Rooster's Gaming Coop network where I talk gaming and gaming culture every week. Each episode will feature a subject or theme that interests me, and I will speak about what is on my mind in the world of video games!

Evercade Expeditions returns with a look at another cart that was recently designated as Legacy - meaning it will no longer be produced! This collection of arcade titles is full of games I had never played or heard of before, but a couple games that I was very familiar with. Best known for the Double Dragon arcade games and their NES counterparts, Technos really does have a rich history and some serious legacy behind them. Although they are no longer around today, we are able to play these titles thanks to Blaze Entertainment's amazing platform. Tune in to hear which titles on this collection were the hidden gems and the reason to pick this cart up before it disappears from store shelves. 

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Follow me on X: @RedRoosterGC