Red Rooster's Gaming Coop

Pining for Pixels # 51 - Indie Round-Up: The Great Rebellion, Slave Zero X & Hammerwatch 2

Red Rooster

Welcome to the Pining For Pixels podcast! This is my video game variety show podcast, part of the Red Rooster's Gaming Coop network where I talk gaming and gaming culture every week. Each episode will feature a subject or theme that interests me, and I will speak about what is on my mind in the world of video games!

It's time for a new segment for the show! I have always wanted to do something that focusses on indie games or games that are on a smaller scale or go by largely unnoticed. With how stale the AAA scene has become with overblown budgets and rinse and repeat concepts, the indie scene is where it is truly at these days. It is very easy to let some great titles pass you by if you aren't looking so hopefully this segment will be a benefit for you dear listener. This initial batch is quite the motley crew as well - from the controversial game "The Great Rebellion", the tough as nails "Slave Zero X" to the nostalgia soaked ARPG "Hammerwatch 2", there is bound to be something for everybody in here, unless you really hate the pixel art aesthetic, as all 3 features that to varying degrees. Tune in to hear more about these hidden gems!

If you would like to reach out, you can reach me at - I would love to hear from you!

Follow me on X: @RedRoosterGC