Red Rooster's Gaming Coop

Saving Throes # 42 - Ritual of Scrying: How Can I End a Campaign?

Red Rooster

Welcome to the Saving Throes podcast! This is my Tabletop role-playing game podcast, part of the Red Rooster's Gaming Coop network where I talk gaming and gaming culture every week. Each episode will feature a topic or theme along with my take on current happenings in the world of tabletop role-playing games and semi regular updates on the games I am currently involved with, or new games or products I have come across.

This week I am introducing a new segment for the show called Ritual of Scrying. In this segment I ask a TTRPG related question and go to the internet to get advice (or perhaps get advice from some of my TTRPG friends). I then go over my findings and weigh in with my opinion on this advice. For the inaugural entry of this new segment I am looking to find out what advice is out there for how to end a campaign. I ended up looking over suggestions from Sly Flourish's blog, a list of suggestions from and an interesting article from Tune in to hear my thoughts on the advice I found and also hear what inspired me to ask this question in the first place!

If you would like to reach out, you can reach me at - I would love to hear from you!

Follow me on X: @RedRoosterGC